Words are the most eficient way towards human incommunication.
At times you get this strange tingle in the back of your neck, just after saying something seemengly innocent. You know you just gave the wrong answer, but you don't know to what question.
After a while, you just feel silly, and the tingle remains, to make sure you don't forget you're an absolute fool.
What should have been said? What should have been done? No idea. Whatever it was, you just accept that, in all honesty, you'll never know for certain.
I així t'adormiràs pensant que cada dia saps una miqueta menys. Que lo breu és dues vegades bo i que, una altra vegada, la conversa serà breu i així no fortràs la pota dins, fins al més obscurs dels fons, sense ni tan sols adonar-te.
When in doubt, tell the truth.
Follow the white rabbit from Mark Twain, you sand sea ;)
btw, bienrevuelta.
But telling the truth isn't always that easy or obvious, my oblivious friend...
You're right... as usual ;) I'll try again: When in doubt, tell YOUR truth. (if you know your truth I mean).
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